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RELEAF+ STICK – Original Formula (75g)


The Active ReLeaf’s Original Formula Stick is an easy and effective way to support inflammatory related joint and muscle discomfort. This product offers users a cooling, soothing sensation and relief for up to approximately 4-6 hours. This stick comes with 75g of CBD.

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Safety Precautions & Guidelines: Keep out of reach of children and animals. Intoxicating effects may be delayed by up to two hours. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Unlawful to redistribute. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Using cannabis during pregnancy may harm your baby and result in low birth weight. Consult with a physician before using.

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Woman Sitting Back And Relaxing

New to CBD?
We’re Here to Help

If you’re a first time CBD user with loads of questions, or are just interested in learning more about the vast array of benefits associated with its use, no worries at all because we’re here to help! Did you know that CBD is the second most active component of marijuana and is an abbreviation for Cannabidiol? With so many more things to learn about CBD, be sure to reach out to our team of specialists with any questions! We’re always eager to help.

Man Using Restigouche Tincutres

Pure Medication 
for Natural Healing

If you’ve ever heard of someone using marijuana to medicate, it’s likely that they’re smoking strains of weed that are high in CBD for its therapeutic properties. But what would happen if you isolated that CBD, extracting it from marijuana as concentrates and adding it into tinctures, vape pens, edibles and more? Well, that’s exactly what we strive to provide at Restigouche. Explore a variety of our CBD products and experience all the healing properties of cannabidiol.

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