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Conditions of Use

Prices and availability of products are subject to change without notice.

You are not a citizen or resident of the United States of America or any other country other than Canada. All deliveries must be to a Canadian address.

You are not affiliated in any way with any law enforcement, Canada Crown Attorney, or any other governing official related on non-related to the government of Canada, you are NOT permitted to use the site.

You hold a valid medicinal MMAR/ACMPR license.

All orders are guaranteed to arrive by Restigouche Cannabis, with the exception of Nunavut, and the Northern Quebec.

In order to purchase any of the products sold on you must be at least 19 years of age.

Replacement Policy

We guarantee your package will be delivered to your door. If your package is lost in transit or does not make a successful delivery attempt we will send you a free ONE TIME REPLACEMENT PACKAGE UP TO $150. Please allow up to 5 days after the expected delivery date for your package to be traced and resolved unrecoverable, during which time please contact our Customer Support Team.

Please note: shipments to NUNAVUT or NORTHERN QUEBEC are at shippers risk due to high postal thefts in these areas.

Restigouche Cannabis assumes no responsibility for lost orders due to:

  • Mistakes or damages made by the postal offices
  • Wrong address given by the customer
  • Expired PO Box numbers
  • Stolen packages after delivery

Important Note

The use of marijuana without a doctors prescription or recommendation is a violation of laws in Canada. In addition the use of marijuana or any drug without a doctor prescription and/or instruction could have adverse effects on your health. We operate under the multiple court judge orders/court decisions that patients should have responsible access to the marijuana they require and not further violate the charter of rights and freedom. Please see excerpts below of case law:

Case Law
Example #1

The ACMPR is Canada’s response to the Federal Court of Canada’s February 2016 decision in Allard v. Canada. This decision found that requiring individuals to get their marijuana only from licensed producers violated liberty and security rights protected by section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Court found that individuals who require marijuana for medical purposes did not have “reasonable access”.

Case Law
Example #2

In June 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada, in R. v. Smith, decided that restricting legal access to only dried marijuana was unconstitutional. The Court decided that individuals with a medical need have the right to use and make other cannabis products.

Case Law
Example #3

Legal access to dried marijuana for medical purposes was first provided in 1999 using unique section 56 exemptions under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). The decision in R. v. Parker in 2000 held that individuals with a medical need had the right to possess marijuana for medical purposes.