Think Cannabis…
We take pride in providing our valued customers with nothing but the highest-quality edibles. This means ensuring that you receive all the beauties and benefits of smoking your weed, but instead, you get to experience the soothing and healing effects of the THC and CBD cannabinoids in the form of delicious edibles! We’ve made it easy for you by providing everything and anything that your dreams could ever imagine! From sweet and sour to savory, our premium cannabis-infused edibles are an absolute “must try” for marijuana enthusiasts, everywhere!

A Variety of Edibles
at Your Fingertips
It can be a hassle to have to find exactly what you need to fill your cannabis craving, and an even bigger inconvenience to have to leave your house to get it! That’s why the Restigouche Team has worked hard to ensure that our extensive selection of the finest THC and CBD edibles in Canada are just a few online clicks away from you and pure satisfaction. With a seamless ordering process, our premium-crafted THC and CBD edibles ship nationwide to ensure that happiness makes it to your doorstep, wherever you may be.